⁄⁄ EPC

When is an EPC Required?

An EPC is required when a building is constructed, rented or sold. A building will need an EPC if it has a roof and walls and uses energy to ‘condition an indoor climate’(more info). The regulations were recently changed to include holiday homes but this does not include park homes or caravans (more info)

As part of the Governments changes to the Feed in Tariff an EPC will be required for those householders taking part in this scheme and a certificate rating of band D must be achieved to claim the maximum tariff. If your dwelling does not achieved the required banding we can help you identify options to meet the desired criteria. (more info)

EPCs will be required as part of the Green Deal Assessment when it is launch October 2012. The Green Deal it is the government’s flagship energy saving plan to transform the country’s homes to make them warmer and cheaper to run. It is envisaged that people will be able to access up to £10,000 upfront to pay for energy efficiency work, repaying the costs through savings on energy bills.It is intended that there will be extra help for vulnerable people or those living in homes which need more work than Green Deal finance alone will stretch to. (more info)