⁄⁄ DEC

Display Energy Certificates

The Energy Performance of Buildings Direct imposes a mandatory requirement for buildings occupied or part occupied by public authorities and by institutions providing public services to a large number of people which have a total useful floor area over1000m2 and visited by those persons.
By 1 October 2008 if you are an occupier of a building requiring a DEC and Advisory Report you will need to display the certificate showing an Operational Rating in a prominent place clearly visible to the public. If you are a new occupier, or have been in occupation for less than 15 months by 1 October 2008, you may not have 12 months of meter readings available that are required for an Operational Rating. The legislation makes provisions for calculation over the period of occupation in these cases. DECs must be renewed every 12 months and Advisory Report every 7 years. We can assist you with identifying which buildings are covered by the regulations, prepare your Advisory Report and calculate the buildings Operational Rating.

Click here to order your EPC